Jesus Needs New PR

Things get exciting and “spirit filled” around the 4-minute mark. Apparently the Greek word for again is ‘palin’… Oh oh oh boy. Via Dangerous Minds and American Jesus…

Found at Christian Nightmare!

This post is from My Daddy Blog… Last Sunday, like I always do, I left church during the last song to pick up Elias from the nursery. Crosspoint’s nursery wing is in a separate building from the auditorium. After I picked him up, Elias and I walked out the front door of the nursery wing,…

Photo was sent/taken by David… in Milwaukee.

Christian Nightmares finds the best video clips. So how do you scare the Devil away? Well, according to Pastor Steve Munsey, Satan HATES the number seven! In the clip above, Steve uses Christian mumbo-jumbo (can I get an interpreter over here, please?!) to explain his “reasoning”. Still, the next time I see the Devil coming…

I’m not sure how Jay Caruso found my blog. But he did. And at some point he began to engage, which means he started leaving comments. Now, I don’t know if this is exactly true, but from my perspective, every comment that Jay ever left was one that embraced the near opposite point of view…

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