Jesus Needs New PR

John Piper says that Bob Dylan got THIS right. What did Dylan get sooooooo right? His song ‘Gotta Serve Somebody’! Says Piper… In 1979 Bob Dylan recorded the song “Gotta Serve Somebody.” For those who listen with biblically informed ears the refrain echoes Paul and Jesus: Paul: “You are slaves of the one whom you…

I love when “proof” is set to pop music–just makes it easier to soak in… don’t you think? Found at Christian Nightmares via here! LRA… this totally convinces you, right?! 🙂

Sent to me by Justin! And the photo was taken by Justin’s wife (name not given!).

I have no words. Found at Christian Nightmares.

Happy birthday to thee! Happy birthday to thee! Happy BIRTHday King Jame’s Version of the Bible… happy birthday to thee. Just in case you are a heathen who reads the NIV Bible or a demon who reads The Message Bible or an atheist who doesn’t read ANY Bible, you’re probably not aware that the Bible’s…

Listen to this song. While it’s from a woman’s perspective, I think anybody will enjoy it. I met Canadian artist Miranda Stone in 2000 when I was managing Jammin Java. She played at JJs a couple times. Miranda sings good stories. I miss that. Hope you enjoy.

Wow. Found at Christian Nightmares.

This United Methodist church in Colorado is so savvy. And it might work. I mean, if you still play organ music and your pews are hard wood… this could be one way to get the youngsters to attend and endure… This photo was taken (and sent to me) by Christina! Hail Mary Jane!

Sometimes I like taking scripture and retelling the story or rewriting the prose using my own words. This morning I was reading King Solomon’s familiar words in Ecclesiastes 3. I decided to write it down using my own… Good Days Seasons exists for all things, good days for every experience under God’s watch. Days for…


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