Jesus Needs New PR

Ed Young, pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Dallas, announced the other day that HBO will be showing up tomorrow night at his church to tape a segment for the network’s upcoming documentary about sex. For the occasion, the church has brought a bed on stage! The bed is supposed to represent where people have…

This post was written by Adam Ellis. I originally thought I might write a response to all of the “controversy” surrounding  Rob Bell and his forthcoming new book. I have appreciated Rob’s work over the years, and certainly feel the sudden, passionate outrage was both premature and unfair.  With that being said, I fully expect…

As of noon, this was the list of “search terms” for today… Oh, and the last time I checked Rob’s book was #19 on

  Aw, I bet Pastor Ed would love to see Jesus wearing a Britney/Garth mic. Does this Jesus have braces? Or just really tiny teeth?

WATCH THE VIDEO… This girl seems very sweet. And worried for God’s people. I mean, this dream of hers really messed with her senses… But a part of me thinks the poor thing should also be on medication. I don’t post this video so that everybody can pick her apart. But I use it to…

I tagged this “not safe for church” because I suppose technically two of these images are of women without shirts on. I guess those are women. (I’m not trying to be rude… I really can’t tell…) They are women, right? …they could be dudes, I guess–well, not dudes… but male members of a pop punk…

This is hilarious… I love the Naked Pastor. For an explanation of this cartoon, click here. Thanks Ric for the heads up!

I love Rob Bell. And I especially love when Rob Bell releases a new book! And guess what? He’s releasing a new book at the end of March. And like all of Rob’s books (well, except that last one which was a beautiful waste of trees), Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the…

Found at Christian Nightmares.

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