Jesus Needs New PR


I didn’t make this video. I have no idea if the facts included are accurate. It would not surprise me if they were true, at least, most of them… But I don’t know… but it’s interesting (and sad)… Thoughts? Found at Christian Nightmares via The Good Atheist…

Clay sent this to me. I tried to go to Westboro’s site myself and got this message… So… maybe… just maybe Anonymous is winning 1 to nothing. Or Westboro is busy adding more hate to their blog. Time will tell… ANOTHER UPDATE: An Anonymous member named “Jester” Tweeted THIS yesterday…

From People of Walmart and sent to me by Monica!

Pat Robertson offends me on many levels. I know… who cares, right? In this clip, Pat is preaching at a conference. After telling the crowd “Jesus IS IN THIS ROOM with us,” Pat goes on to say that, “If Jesus was standing in front of you, he’d ask, ‘What do you want?'” And Pat says,…

‘WHY?’ certainly seems like the appropriate question… Would this be a Jesus Ent?

So… I was on iTunes, checking out the list of “Just Added” albums and singles when the above album caught my eye. Now, I’m not an expert on thuggin’ of any kind (at least, I don’t think I am), so please forgive my ignorance. However, I am curious… when you thug in a pew is…

I must say, I’m surprised by the name. Neil? Really? At first glance, I was thinking Pam or Babs or something ambiguous like Rudy. But definitely not Neil. Now, just to be clear: I do not hate the man in the above picture. I do not think he’s an idiot. I do not believe that…

Awesome! Now I can figure out how far away God put all of the lies I’ve told… Well, if I was good at math.

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