Jesus Needs New PR

Four months ago, when I traveled to Seoul for some vacation time (a visit that included going up to the DMZ and stepping into North Korea briefly), I visited the Korean War Memorial. It’s a gigantic monument, with a large courtyard consisting of statues made in memory of the war, relics of war machines, and…

Wish Jesus would save the woman’s spelling–and not to mention, add some punctuation. And her word usage… witch? Like?!

But don’t do drugs! Found at Christian Nightmares.

So I’m officially confused. I don’t know if it was a hoax or just a half-hearted attempt by a few Anonymous members to scare WBC…. but late yesterday Anonymous released an “official” statement about the ordeal… Cancel that popcorn. Boo! God hates HOAXES! That’s true, right?

Google Alerts brought this to my attention, one blogger’s list of Twitter accounts that he/she thought people should follow. And guess what? I was one of them. Nice, huh? I thought so too! And for a split second I was thrilled and humbled and honored (and all those other things that Christians pretend try to…

See? That really awful Christian “Coke” t-shirt was very influential… We should be proud! You can blame this jerk for the picture! 🙂

I found this story over at Unreasonable Faith, which is a fitting title for this story. Because as far as I can tell, Mike Beard–one of God’s GOPeeps (state representative in Minnesota)–does seem completely unreasonable (and seemingly, he lacks good sense). Okay, maybe he’s brilliant in other areas… but regarding this one, he lacks sense…

Found at Christian Nightmares! //

Thanks Joel for sending this to me! And as Joel commented in his tweet, somebody make some popcorn; this could be fun. You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that Westboro’s antics were satire.

Hacker-group “Anonymous” has issued the folks at Westboro Baptist Church a warning: Stop or else! Or else what?! Well, you can read their open letter to WBC for yourself… Open Letter to Westboro Baptist Church AN OPEN LETTER FROM ANONYMOUS February 16, 2011 TO THE CONGREGANTS OF WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH: We, the collective super-consciousness known…

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