Jesus Needs New PR

Is your dog real? Thank you Scott for sending this to me!

Christian Nightmares found this first!

Saw this over at The American Jesus (which is a fantastic blog, btw!). This is vintage Daystar… I love the part where he says, “don’t call and say you’re giving $300! Call and say you’re canceling the Devil’s assignment…” Have you ever called and given to this sort of “ministry”?

Yesterday this story was showing up everywhere online and I saw it on the Today show this morning. An Iowa high school wrestler who was one of the favorites to win his weight class defaulted on his first-round state tournament match rather than face one of the first girls to ever qualify for the event.…

I’ll let you decide for yourself if this is real. Found & discussed here.

More so than most of these “Jesus” sightings, this one actually looks like the American “Jesus” we know and love. Story here. Found at Christian Nightmares!

Doing this audio book was a dream come true. Seriously. I’ll tell you about that later. But it was a really amazing experience… For now… please download the audio book of Churched FOR FREE! Share it with your friends! Tweet about it! Send it to people you love! Send it to people you sometimes don’t…

Found at The American Jesus!

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