Jesus Needs New PR

For the low price of $150 plus shipping you can purchase your very own piece of medium-sized brimstone from Sodom & Gomorrah ! That’s right; you can purchase remnants of God’s anger and judgment for a friend! Your mean-spirited mother? Maybe that girlfriend who groped you in the movie theater! Or do you know a…

I’m joking! No, really, I am joking. I’m sure Mary and Joseph were (are?) AMAZING parents. **This picture was sent to me by Michelle, a reader of this blog. The photo was taken in Connecticut.

Found at Everything is Terrible.

Featuring last night’s Grammy winner for Best New Artist Esperanza Spalding… (Via.)

Found at Christian Nightmares.

Another church is helping couples imagine what a spicy godly sex life can look like… And they’re using images of hot bodied non-Christians to get you in the mood. One of the sermons was preached by a former porn producer! And who better to direct your bedroom activity than a born again porn producer? You…

If you’re offended, send hate mail (or Tweets!) to THIS GUY! If you’re curious about the book, here’s the Amazon link…

Sent to me by Chris.

I don’t know what to think about this. The person who sent this to me said that it was a science fair. And he could be right because I see a “gravity” display next to the boy’s right shoulder. But still… Will There Be Minorities In Heaven?! Is this a spiritual question that I’m not…

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