Jesus Needs New PR

The pictures are real. One of my Facebook friends (and reader of this blog) recently took her kids to Florida! Besides spending time with Mickey, Donald, Buzz, and Cinderella, she also visited TBN’s The Holy Lands (yes, believe it or not, they’re in Orlando!)… but she brought home some amazing pictures, and a couple featuring…

Lady Gaga’s brand new single released to radio today. “Born This Way” mentions God (or his pronoun) several times… It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M Just put your paws up ‘Cause you were Born This Way, baby My mama told me when I was young We are all born superstars She…

According to the Huffington Post… Glenn Beck delivered a message to his critics on his Thursday television show: “go to hell.” Beck’s comments came in the middle of a nearly 19-minute monologue where he continued his theory that the protests in Egypt are being orchestrated by an alliance of Communists and Islamic fundamentalists who seek…

Thank you Jonathan.

Found at one of my favorite blogs, The American Jesus…

They just referred to God as an app…. Thanks to Melinda for sending this in!

The folks at Lifeway Christian Stores agree: You’re old enough to make difficult decisions like whether or not you should read Donald Miller’s “Blue Like Jazz.” And… you get to make that decision without Lifeway’s warning to “use your gift of discernment” while reading! According to Christianity Today: The program, which began in 2007, listed…

Love James Blake’s blend of classic and electronic. You can hear Blake’s entire album here. Found at Dangerous Minds.

Icicle looks like Jesus: If you don’t want to watch the video… here’s the gist of the story: A man thinks THIS looks like “Jesus”… This picture was sent in to us by a viewer from Shrewsbury. He says he was shoveling when he saw an icicle that he says looks like Jesus. (Source)…

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