Jesus Needs New PR

It’s a blanket! At least I think it’s a blanket.

And the nice guy is voiced by Kirk Cameron, and it was produced by Living Waters… I have a question. Those of you who align with Kirk’s basic theology, do you think this kind of method actually helps the “evangelical cause”? Because to me, it sort of makes it all seem about as real as…

What was the movie?!

Thanks to David for sending this in!

You’re welcome. And here’s the song he wrote to his wife, Caroline… So beautiful. You’re welcome again. Sent to me by this guy (he’s the jerk).

After watching this, you just know that John Hagee had to change his underwear. But in all seriousness, it is sort of strange. UFOs fascinate me. I know there’s probably a logical explanation for the sighting. But still, I like the mystery of not being sure… 😉 Sent to me by Richard Jett.

A Bliss Bash! I so want to (WHOA!) go to his (Pfft. Pfft. Pfft.) conference and see this (Giggity Giggity) insanity for myself. Toward the end of this commercial, he actually Cock-A-Doodle-Doos. But seriously, is this guy real? What is wrong with him?

Sent to me by M. J. Towers…

Thank you to Brent for sending this to me!

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