Jesus Needs New PR

Hahahaha…. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. He looks nice. And he smiles a lot. But some nice guys who smile a lot shouldn’t sing… …Or wear pink suits. …Or do sudden break dancing moves (maybe he has Dance Turrets?). …Or do “the robot” (at 4:22) …Or sing falsetto unless they’re able to sing falsetto.…

Wow. This clipping was Tweeted to me by Jonathan. And then I Googled the headline… and it seems to be real.

I sort of like the commercial…

Cameron Strang, publisher of Relevant magazine, wrote a great piece about President Obama and the National Prayer Breakfast. “And it was through that experience working with pastors and laypeople trying to heal the wounds of hurting neighborhoods that I came to know Jesus Christ for myself and embrace Him as my lord and savior.” -President…

Found at Christian Nightmares


This is one positive story among the thousands of scary ones coming out of Egypt. Pictured here are a group of Christians encircling/protecting a group of Muslims. They formed the circle so their Muslim friends could spend time in prayer. I also loved the first few comments at the Reddit link where I found this…

This post is from My Daddy Blog. Dear Adelyne, Your momma and I saw you this morning. We saw you once before, but you were moody and not being cooperative for the camera (which is something you’ll have to get over fast… your mother scrapbooks)… But today we saw you. And you are beautiful. Perfect…

Thank you Nate.

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