Jesus Needs New PR

Awesome. Here’s the context. Found here!

Apparently, the ‘Trinity’ is all the rage! That is, according to the folks at They’re hoping that, rather than giving people the “Peace Sign” (two fingers) or the Bird (middle finger), that Christians will start “three-throwing” each other instead! And it’s catching on, too. Look at these people below “Three-throwing” each other with some…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Sean Dorrance Kelly Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> Video Archive This really is a very interesting interview. I especially love the part where Stephen and the Harvard professor begin discussing Jesus. I won’t give the best part away! Just watch. 🙂…

Hilarious and rude at the same time. 🙂 **Somebody Tweeted this shirt to me and I lost the info. If it’s you, let me know and I’ll add your name/link.

Because Jack Hyles said so! Don’t laugh; that was proof enough for anything when I was a child. And is that second sermon title a real winner or what?! READ MORE (AND LISTEN) HERE! If you’re in a good mood and you want to stay that way, I don’t recommend listening….

And then somebody posted it with Richard Dawkins’ answer. Dawkins wasn’t responding directly to Baldwin, somebody just merged the two clips. But seriously, is there any reality TV show that Baldwin wont do?

I suggest seven hail Marys and four Our Fathers… Found at Christian Nightmares.

And that’s pretty awesome! Thank you to all of the people who gave to John’s music project…

This is either a reenactment of the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock or the all-boys school on Glee released their follow-up to “Teenage Dream.” I’m pretty sure it’s about the Pilgrims, God’s chosen people… Sent to me by Ed.

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