Jesus Needs New PR

According to AOL News, former Baywatch beauty Donna D’Errico is on a mission from God. Forty-something D’Errico, who recently took a twirl on Dancing with the Stars, is currently training to climb Mt. Ararat in search of Noah’s Ark. It’s still unclear whether she’ll be carrying her buoys along for the excursion. But if they…

Wow. That’s very affordable. I mean, at least the eBay liar isn’t trying to get rich off selling fake Jesus autographed photos. Though shipping is pretty ridiculous. But Heaven is far away, so it makes sense. This reminds me of the time I forged Jesus’s signature in my Bible. I wrote it right next to…

EVEN BEARS WORK FOR THE LORD! from EIT! on Vimeo. “Bible Theater” starts about 1 minute in… Found at Everything is Terrible

They even dazzled tears running down Jesus’s cheek. And crystal clear blue eyes. Perfect.

Unlike most of my friends, I rarely get a Chick-fil-A craving. And normally when I do get one it happens on a Sunday when I’m walking through a mall food court and I see the darkly lit (closed!) Chick-fil-A booth. The craving passes, which is good because I generally choose a healthier option. Well, as…

Or actually this was from yesterday… You know, theology is difficult to tweet sometimes. Via… Sent to me by Scott.

Church fights are interesting. I’ve seen a couple small ones happen inside the walls of a church. But nothing too bad. The worst ones usually occur when one church is playing a game of basketball against another church. I’ve seen awful Christlike behavior happen at those kinds of functions. But I never remember the cops…

This church is distinctively Baptist… as opposed to just being Baptist. But then I found this book title: A Distinctively Baptist Church: Renewing Your Church in Practice So maybe there’s something to doing “Baptist stuff” distinctively…

I read this story on After finding this book on my doorstep, I looked up to see that everyone on my floor had one on their doorstep as well. After taking a walk, I saw them on EVERY SINGLE DOORSTEP in the complex… …I have read this book cover to cover and it is…

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