Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmares.

Christians Pray for Obama to be Converted Uploaded by OnKneesforJesus. – Up-to-the minute news videos. Oh dear. This is so bad. And even if your youth group did do this… WHY VIDEO TAPE IT?!

Love her voice. Love this new song. Over the Rhine’s new album “The Long Surrender” releases on Tuesday. And according to, it’s SWEET… Chris Willman writes… There may be no more soothing voice in music than Karin Bergquist’s. She could be interpreting jazz standards, but fortunately she applies that balm to her and husband…

Do you want to proclaim our nation’s righteous heritage?! Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Well, now you can! And it’s really easy to do!!! No former experience with explosives is required. How’s that for Good News? All you have to do is head on over to and purchase yourself one of their amazing…

Or perhaps sex… Sent to me by Khad.

Picture taken and sent to me by Katie.

Sent to me by Tim Schraeder.

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