Jesus Needs New PR

Ugh… “If I’m wrong, I have nothing to lose,” says Mark… “If you’re wrong, you have everything to lose…” That’s not faith. That’s nothing but fear. And it’s such a weak argument or really, no argument at all… And it’s just like the fear that the pastors and teachers at my Independent Fundamental Baptist Church…

Found at

Thoughts?! Read the GQ story here. Found at Christian Nightmares.

When I posted about Sean McDowell/Interlinc yesterday, I didn’t know that it would create such a heated debate at my blog as well as several other well-visited blogs across the Internet. This morning I received an email from Sean. And though he and I don’t agree on the topic of discussion, I must say that…

Warning: This is post is pointless. POINTLESS!! Seriously… Yes, this is a post about absolutely nothing–pure satanic NOTHING. The following are 5 things I think Satan had a hand in making… 1) LINEN I hate linen. Why? Because I think it’s a godless fabric that should go back to the wrinkly HELL from which it…

It’s a shame acting isn’t a spiritual gift… 🙂 Sent to me by Brandon.

A commenter named Chad (a friend of Sean) sent me a clip to the full answer to the question… Here’s a link to the original post. Here’s his comment… I read hundreds of blogs each day and rarely respond, but I had to on this one. I personally know Sean McDowell and have worked with…

This is hilarious… Found at Christian Nightmares.

This manipulative/fear-filled video was sent to me by a youth pastor. He/she was sent this link by Interlinc, a non-profit that supposedly helps “youth ministries” become more successful. While the 1993 fear mongering tactics in this video don’t surprise me, I still find them disgusting, unChristlike, and the exact opposite of how people should think…

God save Texas? Oh wait, that’s Cuba. Texas might have made more sense. 🙂

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