Jesus Needs New PR

UnBEARable… Found at Christian Nightmares.

And the winners are… SmileyChris Mandy Evan DEAR WINNERS: Please email your name, t-shirt size, and address to and I will forward your information on to Aaron. As for the rest of you, GO BUY A T-SHIRT! As always, thank you for participating…

We Need a Christian Dictator Uploaded by OnKneesforJesus. – News videos from around the world. I wonder if he knows what any of those big words actually mean… Found at Dangerous Minds

Here’s the gist according The Huffington Post: In response to Morgan’s direct question, “Is homosexuality a sin?” Osteen lisped said: “Yes, I’ve always believed, Piers, the scripture shows that it’s a sin.” Joel continued… Well, it’s strictly back to what the scripture says. I mean, I can’t grab one part and say God wants you…

This is old. But it’s making the rounds…

My headline is a joke… But seriously, you just know that all over America people are calling their congressmen to complain… Sent to me by Kevin.

Found at Christian Nightmares.

“I also read the Bible for the first time. It was deep! I liked the parts where some character was once this, but he ended up being that. Like he’d be dissing Jesus, and then he ends up being a saint. That was cool.” Found at 22Words. Sent to me by Dave.

This t-shirt was designed by my friend, singer/songwriter Aaron G. Hale. In fact, he’s open up an online store called Suburban Champion that features six of his newly designed t-shirts. And all of them are pretty amazing. I’m giving away THREE of the above t-shirts today… Here’s a closer look at the design… Winners will…

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