Jesus Needs New PR

I like our president and still find this t-shirt to be funny… You can buy the t-shirt here. Sent to me by T.J…

Sweet Penitentiary Alabama! The people of Alabama elected a real loving guy to be their new governor! According to CBS News… Alabama Republican Governor Robert Bentley said in a Martin Luther King Jr. Day message Monday that he does not consider Americans who do not accept Jesus Christ as their savior to be his brothers…

Whoa! What’s up with Jesus’s face faces? That’s one scary Christ head. You can BUY these pants here. Found at Regretsy! Thanks to Rosie for sending me the link!

I just learned about Living Social. (It’s like Groupon…) And TODAY they’re selling $20 AMAZON gift cards for $10! Click here to buy. I’m told that this will likely sellout, so go get yours now. Enjoy!

Dear God… forgive them… they know not what they do… Found at And sent to me by Drew!

Two nights ago 200 cows died in Wisconsin. Paul Begley is an online theologian who loves discussing the End Times. Regardless of my opinions about the End Times or Paul’s theory, I can’t help but LOVE his crazy passion. He’s much more interesting to watch than that other guy, the 3rd Eagle of the Apocalypse.…

I didn’t make up the title of this post; I “borrowed” it from here. Thanks to @GodlessAtheist for sending this to me!

I know this is old. But I missed it. So funny…

Found at Christian Nightmares.

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