Thanks to Norm for this:
Norm writes:

Texas has many such Thin Places. I’ve felt it in the majestic vistas and friendly people of Palo Duro Canyon near the panhandle town of Canyon, TX. I’ve felt it gazing at the colorful variety of wildflowers in the rolling hills of central TX, when spring is in the air and everything seems fresh and new. I’ve felt it watching the sunrise from the beach near Galveston. I’ve felt it standing alone among the ruins of the several old missions and Army outposts, imagining the hardships and triumphs of those soldiers, settlers and Indians while the wind blew Taps in the treetops.
But I think my favorite Thin Place is in the Davis Mountains near Fort Davis. There is an old stagecoach route through the mountains, and this route goes through Wild Rose Pass. On my first visit there several years ago, on the morning I was to leave for home, the rising sun peeked through the storm clouds. The sight was breathtakingly beautiful.
As I am a painter, I tried to capture my impression of that morning. It’s called Stormy Dawn in the Pass

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