Well, not exactly, but there is finally someone whose endorsement means something to me. Ray Scott, founder of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (BASS) has just endorsed Mike Huckabe:

“I am really pumped about Huckabee’s candidacy,” says Scott. I’ve never been a one-issue voter and I won’t start now, but it’s sure exciting to have an authentic angler and hunter as a candidate. I was thrilled to fid out he’s been a life member of BASS since 1996. Even more important, I’m inspired by his message of hope and prosperity and strength. Like a friend of mine said, he’s the ‘real deal’ and I think more and more people are seeing that.

As you may know, I joined the BASS tour as a pro in 2004 after leaving the White House – I needed something to clear my head of all the bass sh… errr… ummm… bass crap.
Ray Scott is a legend. And bass fishing is a sport more popular (both in terms of dollars spent and participation) than golf or tennis combined.
The Reagan Coalition may be dying but the BASS coalition begins.

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