Not that every good, smart and spiritually significant thing can be found among Beliefnet-associated people, but here is yet another example of Beliefnet’s great taste:

Columnist Amy Sullivan, who also does stuff for other lesser outlets like “The New Republic,” posts this about the reaction to my book. Amy, often found on Jim Wallis’ God’s Politics blog, gets it right.

In a slightly different spirit, I stumbled across this from conservative commentator Michael Medved. This is actually a tempered version of the one he had up before I talked to him and appeared on his show.

Now for the most interesting revelation of the day–courtesy of my wife. Someone I used to go to church with (he and his wife moved back to Texas) issued a press release accusing me of being Judas. My wife pointed out that she was irate when she saw this for all sorts of different reasons–including her love for her husband. (I love that about her!) But the more she thought, the more she figured that it underscored my point about Christian political seduction–if he was accusing me of being (literally) Judas, that would then make President Bush Jesus. (He’s not.)

And now we turn to video. It turns out that at least one conservative commentator agrees with me!

Finally, my only Christian media appearance was on a show that played a clip indicating that Pat Robertson also agrees me. So, at least I’ve got Dr. Robertson on my side.

So that is a bit of the media roundup.

Now there is the spiritual–thank you for the insights and suggestions. Thank you for your prayers and for the advice to put things in perspective, remembering that God is God.

So to Annie and Annette and Richard and Tom and Paul and everyone else, thank you. Thank you, too. to people like Bubba for bringing up important points–you are right in so many ways. If I am to speak as Jesus’ follower, I must do so with love all the time and in every way.

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