His name is Aidan David Kuo.
I fell in love with the story of a 7th Century Irish saint named Aidan of Lindesfarne before we knew whether Livvy was a boy or a girl. It was said of Aidan:
…he exhorted all he met “whether rich or poor, if unbelievers, to embrace the mystery of the faith, or, if already Christians, he would strengthen them in the faith and stir them up, by words and actions, to alms and good works…He was accustomed not only to teach the people committed to his charge in church, but also feeling for the weakness of a new-born faith, to wander round the provinces, to go into the houses of the faithful, and to sow the seeds of God’s Word in their hearts, according to the capacity of each.”
Caring nothing for the World or for the things of the World, his own life was a better lesson than any that he could teach by his sermons. In him, men saw one whose only thought was how to serve God himself, and how to win others to him. When not engaged in teaching, he was always to be found employed in prayer and reading the Scriptures; and when forced occasionally to dine at Court with the king, “he went with one or two clergy and, having taken a small repast, made haste to be gone with them, either to read or to pray.” Generous and liberal almost to a fault, “he delighted in distributing to the poor whatever was given him by the kings or rich men of the World.” The generosity of Aidan was imitated by King Oswald, as shown by the famous story of his incorruptible arm, but his successor in Deira, Oswin, though a close friend of Aidan, was not so spontaneously charitable. It is said that Aidan’s lavish generosity was such that on one occasion when King Oswin had given him a particularly fine horse for his own use, a poor man met him and asked for alms, upon which he immediately dismounted, and ordered the horse, with all his Royal trappings, to be given to the beggar. Perhaps it was only natural that the King should be somewhat annoyed at the prompt way in which his gift was disposed of, but Aidan pointed out to him, “that man, made in the image of God, was of more value than his fine horse,” and Oswin threw himself at his feet exclaiming, “that he would never again grudge anything to the children of God.”
We’re obviously not expecting a saint (though a good sleeper would be very nice) but names matter and Aidan is good one. Welcome Aidan.

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