J Walking

Who won? Wrong question. Who did better, McCain or Romney? Right question. Both had their moments. Romney was very strong when he was talking about his experience, about his record. He was comfortable at those moments and believable and compelling. After all, he is running to be chief executive. A good thing for him to…

Huckabee trying to sound like a hard ass on immigration – saying people should go home. Who are these people?

So the guy wants to deport 12 million people. Yeah, that’s what we need in a president, a guy who wants to find 12 million people and deport them – what a wonderful use of time and resources.

His answer on health care was so good – up till his snide little “Hillary care” moment. He said that he had helped create a better health care system in Massachusetts and went through the details of his accomplishments. It was convincing. He was convincing and confident. He needs to be the executive that he…

Romney’s problem is that no matter how authentic he actually is – and friends who are working for Romney maintain he is truly authentic – he comes across like a programmed Ken Doll. To wit, he and McCain were asked about their moral authority – where does it come from, what do they believe, what…

Owwww. A hard – unintentional – slam on Sir Mitt. Charlie Gibson was going through each of the candidates and how they’ve been accused of changing their positions. He said to Rudy that he had been accused of moderating his positions to get within the mainstream of the Republican party. To Huck he said he’d…

Ok, debate reality check. While these guys are yipping at each other the NFL playoffs are going on – specifically the Redskins and Seahawks are playing deep into the 4th quarter in a really close and exciting game. I’m wondering how many guys are watching this debate. I am but it is my job.

The talking points have been circulating for days from rival Republican presidential camps – even if Huckabee wins, he’s little more than Pat Robertson was in 1988… an evangelical flash in the pan. Wrong and right. Right first – he’s like Robertson because he is mobilizing a whole new group of evangelical voters. When Robertson…

Everyone is talking about change. And that is true. People want change. But more than that what Iowans voted for was authenticity. In Huckabee and in Obama voters saw men who were true to who they are. After the scandals of the Bush years – on top of the scandals of the Clinton years –…

Obama will have his bad days. This rising passion and momentum will be challenged. Bad news will come out. Ugly things will be said anonymously. But listening to him speak and hearing the crowds and chants of “USA! USA!” and “OBAMA! OBAMA!” it is easy to see many more nights like tonight. A dear friend…

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