J Walking

Eight years ago tonight I married Kimberly Ann McCreery. As with all weddings I was left with snapshots in my head that I tried to take throughout the busy day. They were the kind of snapshots the hired photographer never caught – glimpses of friends, glimpses of my new bride, glimpses of pure joy. Some…

You really can find absolutely anything on the Web. Anything. For instance, an entry entitled “Why I Have a Little Crush on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad” . The writer, Sally Kohn, begins: I know I’m a Jewish lesbian and he’d probably have me killed. But still, the guy speaks some blunt truths about the Bush Administration that…

Perhaps it is all the Welch’s grape soda but I am not sure why it is a big deal that President Bush has reportedly said Sen. Clinton will win the Democratic nomination. It is all over the news and blogosphere. Has anyone seen a poll lately? She’s up by 20 points. She has been up…

Christopher Hitchens predicts that Al Gore will win the Nobel Peace Prize this year: On Oct. 12, we shall hear again from Oslo, and I will be very surprised indeed if the peace prize is not awarded to Albert Gore Jr. (Don’t ask what a campaign against global warming has done for “peace”; that would…

More on Mitch. He is still battling: 9/24/2007 Day 21…….. We are still making every effort to keep Mitchell comfortable. Last night was very trying……….Mitchell was very unsettled. That strong will of his makes him so hard to sedate……..he went through an Ambien, Adavan, Benadryl, & Valium last night with no success. Please pray that…

I think I am a pregnant woman. No, I think I appreciate what it is like to be a pregnant woman. Sort of. So I finished another round of chemo last week. For two and a couple days afterwards I was still feeling kind of queasy and not very hungry. But then Kim’s breath. We…

A reader writes: “From this balcony I heard from God for the first time in a very, very long time. I remember thinking, ‘This is a holy place.’ I guess it was a ‘thin place.’” Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico Please continue to send your ‘thin places’ to me at dkuoblog@mac.com.

Interesting story – a Christian satellite channel is apparently one of the more popular channels in Iran. This stood out: …SAT-7 [has] deliberately chosen not to tackle political issues and focuses instead on the message of hope and peace. “I think we attract viewers in these times, because they’re looking for an alternative message. They’re…

Thank you Andrew Sullivan for finding this. Can someone come up with a good haiku for high cows? Winner will get a $15 iTunes gift certificate.

Today’s thin place is one that can only be reached by words. Thank you Thinker: Watching your child suffer is the worst – it comes no more painful than that. But those days in the hospital were often times of absolute knowledge of God. Sometimes I recall being angry – screaming angry with God –…

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