J Walking

Christians and war make odd bed fellows. Theologians of every Christian stripe basically agree on a few things and one of them is that war is something to be undertaken as a last resort and is to be undertaken with great humility and great sadness. War is not something to be celebrated, glamorized, or idealized…

When I asked people to send the pictures or videos or poems or movies that represented the “thin places” in their lives, I didn’t know what to expect. I hoped that you would send things but wasn’t sure. After all, thin places are very personal and intimate. How extraordinary then, to have received this: The…

So yesterday Steve Jobs announces the “iPod Touch” – basically everything an iPhone does just minus the phone part. It takes great pictures, has great music, a gorgeous screen, browses for WiFi, etc. It costs either $299 for an 8GB model or $399 for a 16GB model. Hmmm… sounds a lot cheaper than the $499…

I was struck by this statement from D. James Kennedy on how he wanted others to view his death: “… I don’t want them to cry. I want them to begin the service with the Doxology and end with the Hallelujah chorus, because I am not going to be there, and I am not going…

I just got this note in my inbox from Stephen Strang, head of Strang Communications, one of the largest Christian magazine companies. Dear friend, Since I am a networker in the Christian community, I am contacting you on behalf of Governor Mike Huckabee. I’m sending this to people on my personal contact list, hoping to…

Westgard Pass overlooking Deep Springs Valley, Eastern California, thanks to Doug who writes that he has spoken his “most articulate prayers” and had his “most vivid dreams” near here. (featuring Walela the dog)

Celtic Christians had a term for those places or for those moments where the veil between heaven and earth was lifted or was thinner. They called those spots, those moments, “thin places.” They worshipped there, they celebrated them. I’d like to celebrate them here as well. My hope is that I will have a new…

Welcome back to JWalking. As this week passes you’ll notice some new features on the blog. One will be the appearance of a continuing feature called “Thin Places.” That will be a daily picture, movie clip, song lyric (or song if they are online), or poem or story (or something else) submitted by readers (or…

Happy Labor Day. I’m going to be off this weekend but will be back on Tuesday. And when I return it will be with many more posts every day and several other things including short interviews with interesting people. So I hope that after your own Labor Day break you will return on Tuesday. Enjoy…

Perhaps you’ve seen the clip below. If not, it is worth watching for its honesty and passionIt is easy to see John Edwards as a slick, rich, glossy politician defined not by the substance of his campaign – economic justice, compassion, challenges to corporations – but by the gaffes – expensive haircuts – and the…

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