How fascinating — the underreported revelation of modern evolutionary, genetic, and DNA science — that physical, material causes are not enough to explain the history of life’s evolution and development — was understood by the rabbis more than a millennium ago. Rabbi Bahya ibn Paquda in Duties of the Heart:

Which is the country’s local culture most beset by moral confusion, New England or the Pacific Northwest? Seattle icon Knute Berger at Crosscut notes a fascinating contrast between these two regions that are America’s top strongholds of secularism: In New England…same-sex marriage is being legalized. It was signed into law in Vermont and is recognized…

Tomorrow is Israel’s 61st birthday, Yom Ha’atzmaut. I love the country and only wish I could go more often. I can’t wait to bring my children there for their first visit. The culture of Judaism in Israel is healthier than here in the U.S., far less haunted by neurosis. I was reminded of that on a trip…

Let’s talk about some rules I’m now initiating in this space, which will become more relevant as the blog, so I hope, grows.  According to the Talmud, God allowed the first Temple in Jerusalem to be destroyed by the Babylonians because the Jews at the time engaged in sexual immortality, idol worship, and murder. That…

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