The great psychologist writes wonderfully in “The Will to Believe” (1897): We feel, too, as if the appeal of religion to us were made to our own active good-will, as if evidence might be forever withheld from us unless we met the hypothesis half-way….I, therefore, for one, cannot see my way to accepting the agnostic…

A commenter on my previous entry about God’s “tinkering” with nature asks: If God interferes (making miracles, making species) to show us that he and we are free, then why doesn’t he make that more transparent?  Why is it so hard to distinguish between [God’s] actions and the results of natural law and chance? Surely…

Scot McKnight’s Jesus Creed asks, “Why would God design a world where he needed to tinker constantly to make things work?” OK, JC, I’ll take you up on that. The same blog post suggests that the idea of intelligent design hasn’t stood up “well to the test” of science.  In my line of work, we get JC’s…

Sigh. Our son Ezra, age 7, fears the Jackal god. That would be Ezra who attends an Orthodox Jewish (actually, Chabad) elementary school and studies the weekly Torah portion. I gave him a copy of a book I liked when I was a kid, The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy, an Alfred Hitchcock “Three Investigators”…

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