There must be a nest of theocrats over at the Boston Globe, ready to spring Christianist rule on us all. Someone call Andrew Sullivan! On today’s op-ed page they publish Stephen C. Meyer who argues that if you like the Declaration of Independence, you have intelligent design to thank. Thomas Jefferson, how could you? Oh! The horror, the…

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? This bears upon our earlier discussion of whether a horribly vile Lovecraftian creature would satisfy God as the ultimate product of an undirected process of evolution as imagined by Darwin. Impoverished island-dwelling family that we are, we can’t afford normal pest-elimination measures. Instead we have a couple…

Picture a majestic T. rex receiving the tablets of the Ten Commandments in its undersized forelimbs, or an elegant octopus crucified on an old rugged cross with four crossbars instead of one. Such images are what Kenneth Miller presumably has in mind with his comforting Darwinist thought that intelligent creatures were guaranteed to pop up…

My op-ed in the Jerusalem Post today discusses the eerie anticipation of ideas about the genetic code by Jewish mysticism, or kabbala. I cite the Tanya (1796) but the tradition on this — creation through the combination of letters — goes much further back, at least to the Sefer Yetzirah, attributed to Abraham and referenced…

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