I did a radio interview today with a fellow down in Texas who had a real preacher’s style. Entertaining guy but at one point he asked, letting his voice rise and rise like he was at the pulpit, “David, would you not saaaay that Darwinism is a lie, from its top to its bottom, sprung…

It is, of course, the comparison that only this blog would dare to make. But isn’t it obvious? Messianic Jews, of whom we spoke in the previous entry, think you can coherently believe in Jesus and Judaism. Theistic evolutionists think you can coherently believe that evolution was driven by random events and that it was…

Over at Evolution News & Views, I have a two-parter up on Darwinism’s failed predictions, an interview with molecular biophysicist Cornelius Hunter, that I recommend to you. Excerpt: The testability of scientific ideas by making predictions about reality is a favorite theme with Darwinists and the atheists who love them. In The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins…

I can’t leave the discussion about the religious reconcilers of God and Darwin without quoting Jeremiah on false prophets (6:13-16), who plied their trade by going up and down among the people telling them exactly what they wanted to hear: That there was no threat from Babylon, all would be well, there was no need…

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