Few sporting events rival the prestige, tradition, and patriotism of the Olympic Games. A small fraction of athletes equal the talent, work ethic, and attitude of Olympic gymnast, Simone Biles. Earlier this week, Biles made history by winning the ninth all-around title at the 2024 U.S. Gymnastics Championships in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Simone Biles
Agência Brasil Fotografias, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The 27-year-old gymnast achieved two historic milestones at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships last year by earning the eighth all-around title and becoming the oldest woman to win the competition.

As the official Olympic games in Paris kick off next month, Simone’s latest achievements offer a glimpse of more potential gold medals for the superstar athlete.

Despite being the most decorated American gymnast of all time, things haven’t come easy for Simone Biles.

Overcoming Rough Beginnings

Born in the Midwest in 1997, Biles entered foster care. During an interview with CBN, she said: “My biological mom was suffering with drugs and alcohol and so we were taken into foster care, and we were in foster care for a little bit until our grandparents decided to take us in. That’s when our life reformed.”

Faith During Success and Setbacks

Simone Biles
Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Simone Biles is public about her Catholic faith. According to Celebrity Beliefs, an American journalist asked Simone to reveal the contents of her gymnastics bag which contained a white rosary. Biles said it was a gift from her mother, Nellie, and acknowledges consistent praying for her achievements.

Simone’s grandparents raised her in a Catholic home. Her adoptive mother, Nellie, encouraged Simone to seek God’s direction and pray. In the same interview with CBN, Nellie explains, “You just put it into the hands of the Lord, and He will walk you through it.”

Simone states, “I believe God gives every individual something special and mine was talent. So, never take it for granted.” She describes how her father advised her never to waste God’s gift and that her ability to compete at the Olympic level is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Among the notable achievements by Biles, she acknowledges life’s setbacks, including the time when she didn’t make the national team and the abuse suffered at the hands of convicted pedophile, Larry Nassar.

Simone has previously said, “I didn’t make [the] national team, so I was super upset about that. But I knew that it was God’s way of telling me that I needed to go home, train harder, so that next year I could make it happen. So I believe that some obstacles that we’ve had always work out for the better because God knows that without those, you wouldn’t be as strong as you are.”

A Rigorous Work Ethic

A contributing factor driving Simone’s success is her relentless work ethic. Simone’s willingness to stretch her abilities with more complex routines and challenges has set her apart from her fierce competitors. Many wonder how she is among the top-ranked individuals at age 27, and her explanation is building on consistent progress.

A Winning Attitude


“I think the mind is one of the strongest things you have.” – Simone Biles


In a recent article on MSN news, Biles stated, “It took a lot mentally and physically to trust my gymnastics again and most importantly trust myself,” she said. “I think that was the hardest part after Tokyo — I didn’t trust myself to do gymnastics.”

Yet, she is performing routines that are as demanding as the ones she had prior to the Tokyo Games.

Coach Landi acknowledged that Friday might have been Biles’s strongest performance but mentioned, “It’s not even the skills. It’s the attitude and her behavior. I really feel like she’s happy to be here. I know she says she’s ready to be done, but I think she’s really enjoying it and appreciating every meet she gets to do.”

An Exceptional Role Model

In Simone’s book, Courage to Soar, she shares her battles with body image, explaining that her muscles made her look different from other girls. Once again, she conquered the inhibiting belief by realizing that women can be muscular and beautiful at the same time. She proactively speaks out on the topic to help other young girls dealing with the same battle.

It’s obvious that Simone believes in giving her chosen sport all she’s got next month in Paris. In addition, she encourages others to do the same and to maximize their God-given talent.

In her CBN interview, she states, “You’re so young when you think of all these dreams. And you think, oh, it will never happen. But once you put hard work and dedication into it, you can really achieve anything.” She continues, “I hope before I end my career, I give all of my energy, effort, and talent towards that sport.”


When the opening ceremonies start at the Olympic Games, we will be cheering for Simone Biles to bring home the gold again. It’s rare to experience the colossal talent within one human being. It’s even more extraordinary to witness the remarkable faith, attitude, and giving spirit that Simone Biles shares with the world.






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