The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has voted to take a deep dive into Jesus Calling, one of the best-selling books in modern Christian literature. Some 45 million copies of the book, written by the late author Sarah Young, have been sold. Delegates to the PCA’s 51st General Assembly voted last week to launch the…

Image courtesy of Sonya Singh, Baptist Press
Vote Fails, Reform Hits Roadblocks The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is “as complementarian as before” a vote to constitutionally ban female pastors failed, says new SBC president Clint Pressley. The vote, which narrowly missed approval, came earlier this week at the SBC’s 2024 annual meeting. Pressley also expressed confidence that the task force on sexual…

A father and daughter walk towards the water.
  Father’s Day, which is June 16 this year, is always bittersweet for me. My father died 26 years ago, and we buried him the day before Father’s Day. I cannot think about the upcoming holiday without remembering that terrible loss, but I also remember the faith of my father. His love for God defined…

Geroge Jones performs at Harrah's Metropolis in Metropolis, IL, in June 2002. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.)
Have you ever heard the story about how country singing legend George Jones met God? It may sound like an unlikely conversion, as the singer drank heavily and partied hard for most of his adult life. But his conversion at age 67 turned him around and possibly extended his life. Jones, who died at age…

(Image credit: Tara Winstead via Pexels)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the way of the world. As it penetrates industries across commerce, the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) shows Christian educators may not be as prepared to show that way as they would like. The national organization pursues excellence in K-12 Christian education worldwide. Recently, ACSI commissioned a survey from Cardus…

The Rev. Jonathan Ulanday, a clergy delegate from the East Mindanao Conference in the Philippines, speaks April 25 on the floor of the United Methodist General Conference in Charlotte, N.C. Ulanday said regionalization legislation allows the spirituality of The United Methodist Church to grow in a different context. Photo by Paul Jeffrey, UM News.
The United Methodist Church’s 2024 General Conference has voted to restructure the worldwide United Methodist Church (UMC) into four regional conferences. The General Conference, which is meeting April 23 – May 3 in Charlotte, N.C., is the principal legislative body of the church. It generally convenes every four years. Delegates to the General Conference voted…

The amazing life of Irene Gut, depicted in the new motion picture “Irena’s Vow,” releases to theaters April 15-16. But her story of heroism, tragedy and determination was almost never told. When she immigrated to the United States in the 1950s, leaving behind the horrors of World War II, Irene defiantly placed a “Do Not…

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