Guys who enter my bathroom often make sarcastic comments about how many bottles of creams and lotions and other stuff I have. They’re clueless about why or what any of it is for. They tease and ask why I need so much junk. I argue that it’s not junk! Everything has its purpose. But guys don’t understand. They think I’m nuts.
Having lots of beauty products isn’t crazy. It’s showing myself love!
All those bottles, jars, and tubes contain love to me. I consider taking care of my skin and hair loving acts. I try various lines to find the best ones for me. Guys often don’t’ get it. While some are exploring their metro-sexual sides, more don’t use even moisturizer, no less worry about protecting their skin and hair from the elements. Yet taking good care of your skin and hair is loving! Guys, you need to take care of yours too!
My bathroom is full of facial cleansers, facial and under-eye serums, toners, day creams, night creams, eye creams, Ceramide drops, Glycolic products, exfoliaters, masks, and other products that keep my skin firm and smooth. And then there’s all the hair care products! People who laugh at me should beware! My skin and hair are in great shape. The care I give radiates out, making me feel good, which again translates into self-love.
Don’t knock good skin care if you haven’t tried it. There’s no one-size-fits-all creams for skin. Everyone needs different products. They all have a purpose. My skin reflects the benefits of using them! You might not want to have the variety that I do, but explore what works for you skin and hair. It really is a gift of love to YOU!
A guy friend who once visited me saw me applying products one morning and laughing said, “You don’t just slop the creams on. You lovingly apply them.” Yes, I do lovingly use whatever I can to make my skin as healthy as possible and it makes me feel good! Sometimes I spend more than my budget should allow, but hey, I’m worth it! The inner rewards of being good to me are as fruitful as the rewards of great skin.
So, despite teasing and snide remarks, I’ll continue to be a beauty product whore, and proud of it. Try it, you’ll love the results!
In future posts I’ll talk about products that I find extremely helpful. I’ve found some good ones and continue to try new ones. var addthis_pub = ‘wryter’;