The holiday spirit is high. People feel love during this season. Isn’t it a shame so many can’t hold onto that spirit for the whole year?!? Even in this bad economy, there are many people who are worse off. Yet many of them look forward with anticipation of better things to come, instead of having a “woe is me attitude. One of them is singer/songwriter, David Bailey.

You don’t need to have your life going well to count your blessings and hold onto faith that your life will get better.

In July 1996, he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and told he’d die before Christmas. He chose life and proving the docs wrong over letting the bad news come true! For twelve years, he’s been traveling the country and the world–a troubadour of hope–bringing his songs of faith, hope and love to appreciative audiences. But last month he had another setback. On November 20 2008, David had surgery to remove a cyst and new tumor. He’s now going through treatment to fight again.

For over a month, David has written every day, lyrically, about what he was going through. It was a very difficult process to go through the treatment and keep his spirits up. Each daily message is on his site. You can be inspired by them!

I asked David if I could post one here. If he can stay hopeful amidst the gloom and pain of the healing process of beating a second brain tumor, we all can overcome the negatives in our lives. So for Christmas, I share his words of hope. Check out David’s site for more hope. His CDs are amazing tributes to his spirit and desire to share his positive spirit with others.

A Few Words of Wisdom by David M. Bailey

Fix your roof while the sun is shining
– One day u know it’s gonna rain
Never stop counting your blessings
It helps give perspective to your pain
Learn the ropes, guard your hopes.
Paddle your own canoe
Don’t get in the way of who you’re meant to be
Do what you love and love what you do
Exercise your imagination
Never lose the child in your heart
Take your time when you turn a corner
Treat each day like a brand new start
Plan your work and work your plan
Always try to give more than you take
Dream big, learn to fall
Don’t disregard the value of mistakes
Be slow to anger, then let it die fast
Remember from where it is you came
Try to be the first to forgive
Understand more than you can explain
Enjoy the journey as much as the stay
Enjoy the moment as much as the day
Remember ever good has a better
Remember every bad has a worse
Remember every castle has a dungeon
Learn that every blessing has a curse
Get up long before the dew is gone
Take each and every day as it comes
Sing your song in the dead of night
If you can’t recall the words you can always hum
Make sure your backbone is stronger than you wishbone
Be flexible, be curious, be daring, be bold
Be smart, be careful And by all means,
take your sweet time getting old
Aim high, live out loud
Don’t believe everything you hear
Everybody has every right to be wrong —
And everything looks different through tears
There are at least two sides to every story
Who the hero is can be hard o tell
Bad things happen to good people
But good folks can do bad things as well
Remember that hate will always kill your soul
And revenge is never worth your while
Love people more than they deserve
And when you don’t know what to say, just smile
It’s not enough to learn your lesson
you gotta learn not to forget it
Take a chance when you think you need to
— And if it don’t work out — don’t regret it
If you don’t run, you won’t trip but you might not arrive
Try not to lose your sense of humor
Laughter helps to keep your heart alive
Dare your soul to go beyond that which you can see
Then find the faith to know that the best is yet to be
At least it’s always seemed that way to me
Yeah, the best is yet to be.

David is getting lots of prayers but if you have a minute, say one for his healing! He’s now home and still fighting hard.

I wish you all a blessed holiday season! ?

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