It’s Independence Day in the USA. The country got its independence over 200 years ago. Now it’s time foro YOU to declare your independence. You say you are independent? Think about how many people, needs and bad habits you depend on to keep going. As a DoorMat, I was completely dependent. I needed a man to complete me, a friend to go places with, people to complain to, food to soothe me, a job so I could pay my bills, to do favors so people wouldn’t hate me for not being thin, which I needed so I wouldn’t hate me so much for not being thin.
Declaring independence is a scary but freeing action.

Yes, it’s an action, because if you don’t do something about it, it’s meaningless. You can want all you want but until you take a step to achieve it, nothing changes. I declared my independence when I moved out of the house I shared with my husband and began to create my own life. My independence was supported by developing better self-esteem, by being more loving to me and by developing a very strong connection to my spiritual power. The latter really gave me the strength to let go of what held me back.

Make a list of all that you’re dependent on that you can take care of on your own or do without if you CHOOSE to.

Do you want these? An unhealthy friend, a job you hate, a romantic partner who makes you unhappy, old insecurities and all the other things that may keep you stuck in a less happy place than necessary. I repeat, do you want these?

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a super person and one being the lowest form of a DoorMat, where would you rank yourself? BE HONEST!

I consider myself a 10 now and will keep trying to add pluses to that number. If you’re less than 10, decide if you want to get your number up. Look at what needs to be changed. Then declare your independence out loud! Keep declaring it, every day, until it sinks in. Declaring independence is the first step to being independent.

I wish you all a HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Make it about YOU!

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