This is post 55 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read the posts in this series to see how.

One of the best lessons I learned about the Law of Attraction is to always make sure I frame what a want using positive words. It makes a BIG difference in what you attract. The Universe picks up on our thoughts—literally. It doesn’t interpret what we want or make judgments about what we say. It hears the words, which is why there’s a big emphasis in Law of Attraction teachings about watching your thoughts and what you say you want.

What you think can be what you get—literally.

It’s obvious that if you feel down and say, “Woe is me” that woe will be you. “Everything goes wrong for me” makes more things go wrong. I understood that and watched those thoughts. Just as getting into a habit of doing that can take a while, the more you become aware of what you think and say, the more you’ll recognize how you sabotage yourself without meaning to by using negative words.

I learned that it’s critical to use positive words for EVERYTHING you put out as a desire or expectation. The Universe will pick up on a negative in what you think is a positive statement. Even if you mean it in a positive way, the Universe won’t stop to interpret it. For example:

· My back no longer hurts.” Your hurting back will come back to you! Instead, say, “My back feels great.” That attract your back to feel great.

· I won’t date any more toxic people!” Sounds good but sends “toxic people” out and back to you. “I’ll only date healthy people” gives you a better chance of breaking romantic patterns.

· I am getting out of debt!” In or out, you send debt out as what you attract. It’s more fruitful to say, “I’m becoming financially solvent.” That helps you get out of debt.

· My next sales won’t fall though anymore like they’ve been doing!” Oh yes they will if you say it that way! Instead, try, “I only attract sales that go through.” Then allow yourself to be guided to them.

It’s not as easy to do as it sounds. It’s so normal so say what you don’t want anymore instead of using positive words. You must be really vigilant of what you say until you get the hang of it, like riding a bike. You fall a few times, then shakily get it and then it becomes more automatic. I’d affirm something and later realized the words I used would attract negatives. That made me a bit more conscious for the next time.

The more conscious I got, the faster I caught myself until I got into the habit of using appropriate words.

As my manifesting improved with my choice of words, I had more motivation to choose them carefully. Think of it as a game—the game of manifesting! The rules are only positive words. The goals are to make sure you find good ones to replace negatives. The prize? Manifesting what you want!

See all the Law of Attraction in Action Series.

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