Today is Day 23 of my 31 Days of Self-Love posts to celebrate Self-Love Month with suggestions for jumpstarting your own self-love.

I recently asked some experts how they show themselves love and included some in a post, to give you more ideas that you can use for yourself. Now I’ve got some more suggestions! I’m delighted to have some wonderful ones to share with you. By pampering your mind, body and spirit, you can build strong self-love, which is a magnet for loving things and people into your world. Here’s what they had to say:

Almost every morning I indulge in one fabulously sinful cappuccino creation involving whipped cream and—dare I confess?—a splash of Kahlua. Yes, this wicked indulgence often takes place prior to the sun rising; and yes, I understand if you don’t want me in your morning carpool now. But it’s a damn delicious way to start the day. Lisa McCourt, Unconditional love expert

In the shower, with nice smelling soap I pretend my hands are the hands of the best massage therapist in the whole universe for me.  Then I lovingly soap up – especially paying attention to those places that I don’t like, or ignore (like my feet), or that are uncomfortable.   I emerge feeling like a goddess. Katie Hawn, DC, Sleep Advocate

I’m a morning person. I wake up early and get in exercise at least 5 days a week. I make sure that at least 2 of those days are a swimming workout (swimming is my all-time favourite activity). That’s my “me time.” I also have “splurged” on a couple of sprint triathlons in the last couple of years. They are expensive but give me a wonderful sense of accomplishment when I finish them. Finally, if I see a book that I would enjoy, I pick it up. Mariana Abeid-McDougall, BPHE, BA, BEd, CPT, CK, Owner, Personal Trainer, Achiever Fitness

One way I show myself love is by cooking healthy. It makes me happy and serene. When I was younger I was so frazzled that I never took the time to learn to cook and if I did cook something it definitely wasn’t healthy! So I’m loving myself and loving my body by taking care to use fresh, healthy ingredients in my home cooked food. Jayelle Hughes, author of Men Don’t Matter

Every Sunday evening, I take a hot epsom salt bath scented with essential oils then listen to the old radio shows (Dragnet, Gunsmoke, etc.) on the local NPR station until I drift off the sleep. Prior to doing this, I make a full pot of herbal tea and set aside a small plate of my favorite treats to enjoy after the bath. Brenda Coleman, Health & Wellness Coach

Once a week, usually on Sunday, I take a long bubble bath. Yes, bubbles. While there, I watch reality TV on my laptop (just set it on a stool a few feet away from the tub). Sometimes I paint my toe nails too. I just give myself some time to be alone and relaxed. When I can (usually once every few months), I go get a massage instead of taking my bubble bath. It’s like me-time and uber-me-time! Taking time to do nothing “productive” is actually one of the most productive things you can do for yourself! How can you be expected to do good productive work if you’re running on empty emotionally and physically? You can’t! So get yourself some emotional gas by taking some me-time. Laura C George, Business Coach for Creatives

Tuesday nights are my date nights with myself. I have my favorite food delivered. Light some aroma therapy candles and give myself a clay mask facial and read. Kenetia, Beauty Activist

I show myself love by honoring and taking care of myself. As a mom that can be very challenging, because the kids needs come first. Once a month, I take a spa day @ home. Having been in the industry for year so I know the tricks of the trade, my session includes a mud mask, mani/pedi; ends with a hot shower and Shea butter rub down. After all that I can’t help but feel recharged and ready to take on the world or at least another day. Thank you for your consideration.  Sherrie Tennessee, MBA, Director of Education, Sherrie Tennessee Consulting

I make my living from my art, but for over a decade I rarely made time to create art just for me, to feed my own soul. Then earlier this year I started a practice of “playing in the Creative Sandbox” every day, making art, even for just 15 minutes. It doesn’t sound like much, but that one small act of love for myself has literally transformed my life! Those of us with a hunger to create absolutely need to feed that hunger — it’s the most loving thing we can do for ourselves. Melissa Dinwiddie – Artist, Inspirationalist, Creative Coach

I have 4 ways to show my self love each month.?1. I buy a new designer perfume not the fake kind I used to buy.?2. I get a facial.?3. I give something to charity knowing it is more blessed to give than to receive.?4. I buy a new jewelry item each month.?These are things that make me feel good and loved by me. Dana Rankin

One morning as I was brushing my teeth I noticed these words echoing in my mind, ‘you are so ugly, no one will ever really love you.’  As I continued brushing my teeth I thought, this is abuse and I am the abuser.  So now when I see my reflection in the mirror I say aloud (allowed), “I Love You.” And since there are mirrors in my house, in my car visor and store windows reflect my image as well – I have many opportunities throughout the day to nourish self love. Susyn Reeve, Self Esteem Expert and author of The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy and Choose Peace and Happiness

More an endorsement of life than love, I try to apply this exhortation on a daily basis: “If you do nothing else today, do something good for your body.” So I head to the gym first thing every morning. Dr. Marlene Caroselli, , keynoter, and corporate trainer and author of over 60 books, including Hiring and Firing, and Principled Persuasion, named a Director’s Choice by Doubleday Book Club

One of the ways I show myself love is by making myself a gourmet dinner. I buy fresh ingredients and an excellent bottle of wine. When I get home I put on some soft music and cook a delicious gourmet meal. Cooking is a great way for me to be present in the moment. It makes me slow down and focus on just one task, clearing my head of clutter. Then I enjoy my creation. Angela Betancour, PR Practitioner and writer @angiebetancourt

To show myself love, I study the Bible and apply its teachings to my life. Since the Bible was written by our Heavenly Father Yahweh God Almighty to guide us in living according to His will, and provide ageless principles, I can be assured that I’m living a life that’s worthwhile, purposeful, and fulfilling. Above all, reading the Bible and applying its lessons is how I can develop and maintain a sacred relationship with Yahweh and His Son Jesus Christ. Such a relationship is priceless, the gift of a lifetime, and it’s all mine!” Dr. Shirley Cheng, Gospel Proclaimer, Bible Teacher, and Founder of Ministry

Try some of these tips to say “I love Me!” The better you feel from showing yourself love, the stronger your self-love will become!

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge–a pledge to do something loving for yourself for the next 31 days–and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts from 2011 HERE.

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