Today is Day 24 of my 31 Days of Self-Love posts to celebrate Self-Love Month with suggestions for jumpstarting your own self-love.

This is post 172 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

The best way to get yourself into the positive vibration needed to attract what you want is to put your attention into appreciating you. Everything you consciously value in yourself makes you feel happier and says, “I love me!” Self-appreciation sounds good but what does it actually mean?

•    Recognizing your good qualities without dampening them with faults. When you don’t love yourself, you focus more on what’s wrong with you than what’s right. That diffuses the joy you could have from all the good you are. The more you love yourself, the less you’ll allow yourself to go to a negative place. That stokes the vibrations for manifesting.

•    Feeling pride in yourself NOW. Often we wait to feel proud until we reach big goals. If you want to lose 10 pounds, losing 5 won’t elicit pride. I feel proud of every baby step I take, every pound I lose. Holding back on feeling proud tells the Universe you’re not satisfied with your current progress, which keeps your vibration low. Like with expressing gratitude, pride in everything tells the Universe to bring more on!

•    Acknowledging yourself out loud. Go to a mirror and say out loud, “You are terrific!” and/or “I’m happy to be me!” and/or your version of something very positive. Say what you appreciate about you. Feel it! It really does feel good once you get over any feelings of self-consciousness about talking to yourself in a mirror. Acknowledging yourself out loud can stir the positive emotions for manifesting.

•    Affirming, “I approve of me as is.” Say it to yourself whenever you can. Self-approval fuels self-love and can attract things you could never get before. Self-approval can attract the energy needed to lose weight you struggled with in the past. It makes you feel worthier, which improves self-confidence.

The more you appreciate yourself, the more self-approval you build. And self-approval fuels self-love! It also increases your positive vibration for the Law of Attraction to bring you what you want, especially if you approve of every little step to manifesting instead of getting negative about not reaching bigger goals fast enough. So start appreciating yourself today so you can send the Universe the message, with a high vibration, that you value who you are and what you’ve done so far in order to keep the positive manifesting coming.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.


Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge–a pledge to do something loving for yourself for the next 31 days–and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts from 2011 HERE.

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