I’ve seen Nick Vujicic on TV and heard his story but it never ceases to astound me how a man born with no arms or legs can be an inspiration for people who feel they can’t go on. Nick is happy, though most people wouldn’t understand how he could be. He gives inspirational talks with a smile and spirit you’d expect only on the most blessed of people. Yet he knows he can wallow in self-pity or push and push to keep going. He choose to keep going every day.

Watching Nick inspires me. There are days I don’t et enough sleep and it’s hard to get myself moving. Then I look at Nick, who really has to work to get moving. He’s accepted living I a body with no arms and legs. He says he’d like to have them if miracles can happen. But meanwhile, he happily pushes himself along. If you ever feel like life is a struggle, watch the video of him and feel his inspirational message. I say feel because it really can get inside your heart.

If Nick can get up, so can you!






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