3wordsI recently talked to a woman who was writing an interesting book. She was going crazy trying to find a title for it. As she described it I told her that it sounded like Eat, Pray, Love for parents. She laughed and then said she liked that concept. So we brainstormed on 3 words that fit her book and she loved it. That got me thinking. What 3 words would describe my life’s adventure. It’s not as easy as you might think to come up with just 3 words that represent your life.

What 3 words represent your current journey? Give this some thought: If you were writing a book about yourself on your journey through life what 3 verbs speak to what’s most important to you and that encompass how you see your life and what you’re striving for? I gave it some thought and came up with:


I want to have as much joy as I can attract, no matter what I’m doing. And I want lots of love–both from other people and what I give to myself. And, I have thank because it was  the only a verb I could think of that means to feel grateful, which encompasses A LOT. Finding all my blessings is a wonderful way to live. I’d always want to live with gratitude for my blessings. What would be 3 verbs to describe your life, or the life you want? Please share them in the comments below. Also, write them down and hang them up so you focus on those words every day. That’s a good way to reinforce making and keeping them as your story.

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