032_Dain Heer_8743_portraitCan you easily recognize when it’s time to make changes in your life?  I’m thrilled to have Dr. Dain Heer as my guest today to give you suggestions for waking your consciousness. He travels all over the world facilitating advanced classes, workshops and seminars on Access Consciousness® and a healing process called The Energetic Synthesis of Being. He has written multiple books including Being you Changing the World. In his unique approach, he offers tools that empower people to move beyond their current limitations and into the life they truly desire.

Is Now the Time?
by Dr. Dain Heer

Have you noticed that the way things used to be done just isn’t working as well anymore?  Do you KNOW that it’s time for a change? In your life? And even more so in the world? What if now is the time? What if now’s the time to finally step into being everything you truly are? Let me ask you this: do you know that there’s something different about you? Do you sometimes wonder why other people are content to just continue living their lives without ever looking for something greater? What if you’re here to do and be something different than the people around you? 

What if you’re here to awaken a different reality? What if now is the time to awaken the consciousness that you personally, and we collectively, came here to awaken?

Let me present to you a different paradigm  – not just something you dream of, and judge yourself for not creating – no, a paradigm to start creating the true change you’ve KNOWN is possible your whole life!  And as you are able to be something different in your life, does it make sense that you might actually inspire others to realize change is possible? BeingYou_DainHeer_Cover copy 2

Are you aware that that’s really the only way change has ever actually occurred? By somebody being inspired by someone else and saying “Yes, I’ll have that.” Have you ever in your life tried to change someone else? How well does it work? Not at all, right? You get frustrated and they get frustrated…

From this other place of actually BEING the inspiration to change, you can be the one thing that will allow other people around and the world to know there is a different possibility.
What if THAT is what you’re here to BE? Are you ready?

1. First—make a demand: As in, “Hey, this is going to change and something else is going to show up!” Have you ever noticed that when you’re in relationship and you know it needs to change, but you’re not willing to demand that it change, and finally when you get to the point where “enough knowing it needs to, this is going to change, I don’t care if I die, I don’t care if they die, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care if the world ends, this is changing now!” Remember how quickly it changes? That is a demand.

2. Next—ask a question: Every question you ask opens up a completely different possibility and a new potential. After making this demand, then ask, “Hey, what’s it going to take for this to show up differently?” All of a sudden this doorway opens up you never saw before.  You couldn’t see them until you made the demand and asked the question.

3. Letting go of your limitation: Now, please tell the Universe that you are ready and willing to let go of all your decisions, conclusions, computations, judgments and projections you have around whatever you are demanding to change! Right now! Those are the things standing in your way! And 99.9% of the time, these limitations are something you bought from someone else.  Release them.  Return them to sender.  LET THEM GO! Bye bye! And now breathe.

3. Now—CHOOSE (and ACT)!  Your choice determines the potentials that will occur. In other words, you’ve got the demand, the question, the letting go of limitations—and it’s the choice that actually creates a different potential for the future. You have to choose (and ACT)!  You can’t just sit on your butt and expect change to occur!  In this reality, you still have to DO, TOO! Please don’t limit what can show up for you by refusing to act when it’s necessary. Asking is one very important step; it’s not the end. If you want to know what actions to take, simply ask this question every day, “What can I do today that will allow this to show up right away?”

One of your greatest capacities as a being is the capacity to choose. There is just one little catch: we think we should choose only the good (right) things and not the bad (wrong) things.  What if there were no judgment of, “Oh, this is a good thing,” or “Oh, this is a bad thing?” What if it were just, “Wow, I made that choice.” And if it works out well, choose more of that. If it doesn’t work out well, what if you could just choose again? That’s another aspect of the magic of you—the capacity to always choose again.

5. Finally—RECEIVE everything: For this to work, for things to change, you have to be willing to receive everything that shows up, with no judgment or exclusion. Trust the universe.  Trust YOU.
Please know, you don’t control when something shows up, or exactly what it looks like. The Universe does. The Universe is aware of INFINITE possibilities—possibilities that go way, way, WAY beyond every fantasy you may have of what the perfect—for example relationship—should look like.
Because you are not alone in the world, the Universe has to re-arrange a lot of people’s universes in order to create a major outward shift in the world. You may ask today and receive it in 10 years—or 10 seconds from now.

So if it doesn’t show up tomorrow—you are NOT wrong, my friend.It will occur. You have started! Right now . . . reading this . . . .And please know—it will probably look completely different than you’ve ever imagined. What if the possibilities you’ve always dreamed of actually could exist? 

What if it doesn’t have to be some far off thing anymore that seems impossible to achieve, impossible to have, impossible to be, impossible to choose? What if you, truly being you, are the gift and the change this world requires? Is now the time?

Join The Self-Love Movement™! Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Commitment“I commit to do my best to do something loving for myself, however big or small, for the next 31 days. and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at http://howdoiloveme.com. Read my 2014 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE. Join the Self-Love Movement™! on Facebook. Watch the video made with Hoobastank’s song–The reason–that illustrates the power of self-love.

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