Self-Love Month is over but the love shouldn’t be!  it’s important to not forget the importance of giving yourself love as much as you can. If you haven’t already done do, I highly recommend you read my free book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways and take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge While I’ll continue to give tips for building self-love, I wanted to recap all the articles here in case you want to go back and read some for motivation with making yours stronger. Please forward this to anyone who needs to love themselves more and who might benefit from reading these:

Day 1 Happy New Year Filled with Self-Love
Day 2 The Joy of Being Imperfect
Day 3 Law of Attraction in Action: Appreciating Life Right Now
Day 4 Find the Exercise You Enjoy
Day 5 Why Actress Kathryn Joosten (Desperate Housewives) Helps Lung Cancer Patients
Day 6 Change Your Thoughts to Build Self-Love
Day 7 “I Love Me” Tip: Do Something Useless But Fun
Day 8 Confessions of a Misguided Love Junkie
Day 9 Self-Love vs. Selfish
Day 10 Law of Attraction in Action: Accepting Kindness
Day 11 “I Love Me” Tip: Make a Bad Habit Piggy Bank
Day 12 How Do I Love Me? Suggestions from Pros Part 1
Day 13 Building Loving Energy
Day 14 “I Love Me” Tip: Say. “I Approve of Myself”
Day 15 Get Your Creative Hat On!
Day 16 Favor vs. Obligation
Day 17 Law of Attraction in Action: Following Your Passion
Day 18 “I Love Me” Tip: Commit to Doing One Small Task Every Day
Day 19 Try Some Self-Compassion
Day 20 “Am I Willing to Love me?”
Day 21 “I Love Me” Tip: Learn to Say “No”
Day 22 Healing with Self-Love
Day 23 How Do I Love Me? More Suggestions from Pros
Day 24 Law of Attraction in Action: Self-Appreciation
Day 25 “I Love Me” Tip: Post Happy Thoughts
Day 26 How’s Your Relationship with You?
Day 27 Do You Have the Patience to Be Happy?
Day 28 “I Love Me” Tip: Do Something Spontaneously
Day 29 The Joy Within
Day 30 The Self-Loving Gift of Autonomy
Day 31 Law of Attraction in Action: Be a Loving Person

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge–a pledge to do something loving for yourself for the next 31 days–and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts from 2011 HERE.

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