Yesterday I had a guest post from Marilyn Tam called Are You Truly Happy and Free?  Happiness is so important to strive for. We all want it but it can seem elusive. So today I have a video that I hope will inspire you to go for yours!   Please leave comments…

Most people would ideally like to be happy. Yet achieving it can seem elusive. Having been an unhappy DoorMat for many years I can attest to how wonderful it is to actually be consistently happy. That’s why I’m delighted to have Marilyn Tam, author of, The Happiness Choice – The Five Decisions that Take You…

Question: Marissa wrote to say that she worked in a large company for a long time and sees the men advancing while she’s passed over for higher positions and more money. She’s very frustrated, and angry about it. She almost stormed into her HR to complain but caught herself. Answer: Complaining outright is never the…

I’ve always been fascinated by people who can see things in the future and communicate with people who’ve passed away. I admit to having some proven psychic abilities, though I don’t use them like I should. I was very skeptical of those who say they speak to people who’ve passed away. It still feels a…

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