This is post 242 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. In last week’s post, Law of Attraction in Action: Closing Doors, I…

Do you look at people with envy? Do you think that others have it better than you? I feel like I hear people say all the time that they’re sure other people have better lives, better relationships, better jobs, etc. I used to walk around believing that too. Than I met Vicki. We did volunteer…

I’m a big believer in giving back in ways that help people. So many people in the world need help. That’s why I was thrilled to have a conversation with Bobby Sager, a businessman who made a fortune by seeing opportunity where others have not. Not just satisfied with working hard to make money, in…

I encourage people to go after their dreams. The benefits can be life-altering. Yet taking risks can feel scary. Often we think of all the bad things that can happen if you go after what you want. If you get discouraged because things happen that you don’t like or you fail at something, you’ll never…

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