I have a strict policy about loaning money that can be summed up on one word–DON’T! I avoid doing it in most cases. Loaning money creates problems if the person isn’t able to pay it back on time, or forgets to and you have to go through the awkwardness of reminding them they the money…

I’m delighted to have an interview with W.D. Wetherell, award-winning author of over a dozen books including Soccer Dad and Morning. His short stories have appeared in many publications including Kenyon Review, Tri-Quarterly, New England Review, Atlantic, Southern Review, and Graffiti. He has also written essays and travel pieces for the New York Times, the…

I’m delighted to have Matthew B. James, Ph.D., international trainer, lecturer, educator, and president of American Pacific University and the Empowerment Partnership as my guest today. His work is dedicated to creating personal transformation by teaching Huna, the ancient science of consciousness and energy healing, using cutting edge therapeutic techniques. I recently learned the amazing…

On Friday I wrote a post about Hot & Cold People and got some negative comments about it. I want to address some of the points to clarify my message: If someone is often moody–hot & cold, on and then off, giving you erratic behavior that bothers you, it can be healthy to pull back…

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