This is post 248 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. I had a client who hadn’t been happy for a long time.…

As a young girl I was advised to try to be as agreeable as possible with everyone. That would help people see me as a good girl—a nice girl who they liked because she didn’t cause problems. That helped me to become the DoorMat I was for years. Yes, people liked me, but I didn’t…

Some people interpret self-empowerment to mean being totally independent by taking care of yourself and your needs on your own—not relying on anyone; doing everything for yourself. When I first declared my independence from depending on people for my happiness, I also felt I needed to never depend on anyone to feel empowered. It left…

I wwrite a lot about rhe impotance of having gratitude in your life. I even run a Conscious Gratitude group on Yahoo, where people can post what they’re grateful for every day and read what others are grateful for. Regularly feeling gratitude can truly be a power tool for manifesting more of what you want. …

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