Often we do believe that we can do something but do nothing. When my confidence was low, people encouraged me to do things but I didn’t. I knew I was capable but something held me back. Often fear keeps us from going forward. I was pushed to write books but didn’t. I knew I could…

Confidence is a big issue for many of us, especially if we’re DoorMats. That’s why I’m happy to have Robyn Hatcher, founder of SpeakEtc.,  a presentation and communication skills training company which provides group and  one-on-one coaching to individuals, corporations and organizations, as my guest today. SpeakEtc. helps clients polish the non-verbal elements of communication…

I’ve always been a multi-tasker. It was necessary years ago when I took on way too much because I had to do everything myself. DoorMats aren’t good at asking for help and I was totally uncomfortable with asking for anything. Nor could I receive help when it was offered. I didn’t feel worthy and thought…

I recently talked to a woman who was writing an interesting book. She was going crazy trying to find a title for it. As she described it I told her that it sounded like Eat, Pray, Love for parents. She laughed and then said she liked that concept. So we brainstormed on 3 words that…

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