Often we don’t realize how much we’re capable of doing. When I suggest to someone that they should make the effort to do what they want, I often hear, “I can’t.” Sometimes you need someone to motivate you to push you; sometimes you can push yourself. But until you get pushed and motivated to go…

I’ve had clients ask me if it’s okay to not say, “I’m sorry” when they’re not sorry, even if it’s expected. Perhaps you tell someone you can’t volunteer for something they want you for and the truth is you’re happy to turn them down. Why say you’re sorry if you’re not? Often we say it…

I recently attended SPARK, the National Association Of Professional Women’s Networking conference  There were fabulous speakers, including, Arianna Huffington, Martha Stewart and Star Jones. But one who really stood out to me was Danielle Miller, brand strategist/reinvention coach. After hearing Danielle speak, I had to get some of her advice to pass on. Her suggestions…

This is post 236 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. Do you live like you EXPECT to have more money? Or do…

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