Recently I have seen a few real questions about what is popularly termed spiritual “quickening,” so I thought I would post a few thoughts about the same.
We need never be afraid of whatever may take place within us as a result of our inner effort to be free. This isn’t to say that one won’t feel fearful, only that we need to be as watchful as we can to not allow ourselves to identify with this negative state. The moment this identification takes place, resistance starts. Such resistance, and all of the pain it brings, is immediately engaged whenever we don’t want something that already “is” going on within us.
What’s important in such moments is to remember yourself, your true wish, and (as best you can) your love of the Light for which you long; in truth, this is really one wish, but it holds all of these elements in it. The “self” that seeks doesn’t know — can’t know — for what it seeks. But when the Light of the Divine that is sought after actually enters this darkened level of being, the same “self” that starts the journey Home is (and must be) “washed” away. This can happen in no other way, and doesn’t happen in any other way… although there are varying degrees of the onset.
Consider Paul on the road to Damascus, as opposed to the gradual illumination of certain other fully illumined men and women.
Nevertheless, here’s the most important thing to remember now, and always, regardless of “quickening” — or of finding your heart suddenly become hard as old molasses: what has led you to this point in your rebirth is not about to mislead you at any juncture of your journey. If you must fear, then so be it… but always strive to do the interior work to bring this fear (and the “self” stricken with it) into your remembrance of the Good for which you long. The Good will see to all else.