Question: Are failures in life inevitable?

Answer: Try to understand the difference between living from something within yourself whose nature is contentment itself, and living from those parts of yourself that are forever seeking contentment. For those who persist with their wish of self-discovery — who will put this love of the Light first in their lives — there really is no such thing as failure. Why? Because every event — regardless of its “apparent” outcome, reveals to these sincere seekers what was formerly unknown to them . . . about themselves. That’s the key! The only thing that stands between us and the higher self we all strive to be, is what we don’t understand about the nature of the “barrier” before us. And all such barriers, all, are constructed out of what we’ve yet to learn about ourselves. This means that self-discovery is self-success, and that for the self-studying man or women, failure simply ceases to exist!

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