The True Self never asks, “What’s the use?” The True Self never complains about anything, because that nature is in a relationship that is continually completing itself anew every instant. It doesn’t carry with it any of these ideas, images, icons, ideologies with it by which to know itself. It’s living in a vast, dynamic relationship with Life itself. That Life itself is fulfilling itself, and when one is living like that, it isn’t a question of “What am I going to get?” or “What might someone take from me or any of the things that the mind occupies itself with to make what is essentially meaningless into something highly meaningful in order to re-establish their kingdom so that they can go through the whole fear cycle one more time! A person has to get weary of that.

A person has to absolutely see the impossibility of pleasing fear, and how as long as they do that, they are living from a nature that has defined itself by things outside of itself, by relationships exterior to itself that it fears will change.

As long as you fear change, you’ll resist it. As long as you resist it, you’ll never learn from it. As long as you never learn, you’ll never grow. As long as you never grow, your understanding will never be a part of this vast treasure of your True Self.

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