In its essence, every relationship in life between you and another man or woman is a reflection of the one relationship that produces it. There is one relationship that is the father, the mother of all relationships — just as there is an ocean that is the father, the mother of every raindrop, stream, and bay. Just as there is the one that gives birth to the many, so is there the one relationship that is the parent of all relationships.
Those of us who wish to have a life in the Light, who want a God-centered being, who want to know what real love is, those of us who are not satisfied with what we have been able to tell ourselves about love, have a chance for Love to tell us about itself. Every moment is an invitation on the part of Intelligence, God, the Living Light, for us to experience our relationship with it.
This life that we’re in is a preparation for a different order of love. If we aren’t too damaged before it gets going, we start with one another. We learn what it means to think about another person and put them before ourselves.
The problem is, most of us only appear to think about putting others first because that gets us in first place. When you first meet someone, you throw rose petals down in front of their feet, and all you do is think about them. But the minute you land them, it changes to “Why aren’t you thinking about me more?”
You fall in love with a person, but at a certain point you hurt the other person that you formerly wouldn’t dream of hurting. In that moment, you can look back on yourself and ask yourself, “Where did that anger come from? What was that cruel act that I did? What happened to my love? Where did the love go?” It’s really a critical question that, in this world, has no answer among the human beings who believe that love has something to do with fulfilling the desire that one has for another human being. Desires are as short-lived as spring flowers. They belong to a certain phase of the development of any particular whole octave of any year, but as soon as the season passes, goes with it the beauty. The same thing is true with our initial love.
This nascent love, this first love, is itself an indication of the possibility of a greater love. The initial opening of that little part, and the little outflow of emotion that is called love, is intended to lead a person (if they’ll follow it) to the source of love – which is neither themselves or the person, but each of them being a part of the whole of something greater.