Question: I am overwhelmed by thinking about what I “should” be doing in my life, yet all success training mentions the importance of goal setting. Is there a correct approach to getting the “impossible” done? Answer: The next time you hear this inner voice of imminent doom, listen instead to this higher instruction: Never again…

It isn’t our “plans” to improve ourselves that empower the changes we know are needed in our lives; it is our willingness to suffer what we must that makes good our wish, that delivers us to our intended goal. *** When it comes to true success in this life — regardless of whatever world it…

Whoever fails to try what his heart would have him do — because his mind tells him, “This you cannot do” — fails to hear the ever-present Voice of Reality forever shouting to all those who would dare: “No sincere effort ever goes without being rewarded.” *** Never believe in any negative thought or feeling…

Every time life brings a blow, the first of three keys necessary to unlock that world inside of yourself where there is this true self-command is to use the shake-up to wake up. Here’s the shake-up. Something happened. And in the moment of the shake-up, what am I habitually given to do? I’m handed something,…

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